Privacy Policy

Data protection in line with legal standards.

FlexyTrade > Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy provides an overview of the collection, use, and protection of Personal Information (as defined below) and other data from consumers. It applies to your interaction with our consumer-directed websites (referred to as the "sites" or "websites") and the collection of data through online and offline methods.

Legal Entity

FlexyTrade operates under the jurisdiction of Belgium, headquartered at Rue du Congrès 35, Brussels, 1000. We are registered with the tax identification number 1009171766, which certifies our compliance with relevant tax laws applicable to our business operations.

Data Usage Policy

In this Privacy Policy, "Personal Information" encompasses personally identifiable details, including but not limited to your name, address, phone number, payment information, email address, and other data that can identify you.

We collect Personal Information directly from you or from third parties, as needed, to establish and maintain a service relationship with you. We collect only the information necessary for efficient service. Your authorization will be obtained for the use of external resources to verify or supplement information, such as credit checks for applicable products.

Information Protection

When you provide us with your Personal Information, we use it for the following purposes:

  • To deliver products and services, as well as to enhance and develop them.
  • To communicate with you about our products, services, and policies.
  • To respond to your inquiries and requests.

Sharing Your Information

We may share the information we collect with third parties, including our affiliates, suppliers, or agents who help us provide services, as necessary or allowed by law. Additionally, we may disclose Personal Information when required by legal mandates.

Responsibility for Claims

You accept responsibility for and agree to protect us, our parent corporation, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, co-branders, or other partners, and employees against any claims or demands brought forth by third parties resulting from your use of the site, content you submit, or breaches of our Terms of Use.

Cookies and Online Tracking

We use various technologies, such as cookies, to collect non-personal information about your online visits, allowing us to tailor our sites and products to your interests. These technologies can recognize if you have provided Personal Information to us and avoid requesting the same data repeatedly.

External Links and Third Parties

Our websites may contain links to third-party sites not covered by this Privacy Policy. Be sure to review the privacy policies of the specific sites you visit.

Protection of Your Personal Information

We place a high priority on safeguarding your information with appropriate security measures. All our service providers are bound by confidentiality agreements, and our employees are trained to protect customer information.

Your Information Access and Correction

We are dedicated to ensuring the accuracy of your information. If you notice any discrepancies, please notify us, and we will promptly make the necessary corrections. Please be aware that, in some cases, proof of information may be requested before implementing changes. Moreover, if applicable, we will inform relevant third parties of any corrections made to your information.

Privacy of Children Online

We do not offer products or services to children under 18, and we do not knowingly collect information from minors.

Your Rights and Control

Your account is password-protected for privacy and security. You are responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality of your account password.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change or remove this Privacy Policy at our discretion. Check this page periodically for updates.

By presenting your Privacy Policy clearly and professionally, you can enhance user understanding and trust in your data handling practices.